Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wordless Wednesday.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Two for Tuesday.
Just a few I snapped the other day along side the road on my way to work.

The morning light was just amazing.

Hope you all are enjoying the spring weather this week. High tomorrow 76 degrees!!!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hoppy Easter!
The kids awoke at the ripe hour of 6:25 AM. That is even earlier than Christmas morning. By like 2 1/2 hours. Ugh!

Apparently, chocolate and jelly beans rate higher than opening Christmas gifts around here.
And, there was plenty of candy.

And, plenty of eggs.
Hope you all enjoy your Easter holiday.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

One year.
Yes. It is true! And, it is really hard to believe. But, we have had this turd bird for exactly one year now. I mean just look at those puppy eyes...too hard to resist, hu?

It's amazing how they really do become such a big part of your family.

And, it is almost hard to imagine how we lived with out him...well, ok sort of. I mean I could live without the constant chewing.But, that is where those puppy eyes come back into play.
We love you Sid! Here's to another great year. Hopefully with some less chewing, ok?? Please?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

A thought.

I don't know what these are...but I really like them.

If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

April Child.
Some more favorites. I love how she is always so carefree. Her eyes always light up and her laughter is so contagious.

Dear April Child,

are you dreaming of June?

Like a tender young flower awaiting summer's bloom...

Sweet April Child in the springtime of youth

what a glorious season it is yours,

let it shine through.

And, just because I haven't done a video in a while hurry and click PLAY below.

Create your own video slideshow at

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Purple Patch. Every year around this time, there is this little place along side the road that has the most awesome patch of purple flowers. It is not the biggest patch, and if you blink, or drive by way too fast you will most definitely miss it. It's kind of a secret. Hidden way back off the road a little ways. I stumbled across it a few years ago, while driving by with Lizzie. We pulled over along side the road to check it out. I also happened to have my camera with me (I know your suprised that I had my camera with me) and I put Lizzie in the patch which she also happend to have her purple rainboots on. And, to this day, it happens to be one of my most favorite pictures ever. That is until today. Because today, I have some new favorites of my little girl in the purple patch. Because driving by today, I noticed the purple flowers returned! I pushed the gas pedal down a little harder to rush home and get my little girl. I had to race against time because daylight was fading very fast. And, since rain is predicted the next few days...I had to get there before it would be all muddy and they died off. Because, sadly, we missed the purple patch last year.

But not this year. Nope! No way! We didn't miss the purple patch this year!

And, this is one of my most favorite memories. More memorable than Halloween or birthdays. Just something we share together. Going to the secret, hidden purple patch. Just her and I.

Then, abruptly, our visit was cut way too short because this little girl had to use the facilities, and once again, I found my self pushing down on the gas pedal.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Rain. I know it must be true....April showers do bring May flowers. Yes, I was out taking pictures in all this crazy rain. Tornado watches and all. And, the fact that we lost power for almost 5 1/2 hours. What else is one to do? So, loaded with an umbrella in one hand and my camera in the other, I dodged the puddles and all the mud down my driveway . I just had to see what I could discover.
The best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain." -- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

And, it was all worth it because I saw this and know it is all emerging from the rain.

Finally, I think spring has sprung!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Bird watching.
The past few days, the robins have been out in full force. That means Mr. Chip is running from window to the next, upstairs and downstairs to eyeball these feathered friends all up.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Still waiting. For spring that is.