Friday, May 29, 2009

Have a good weekend!
Headed off to the lake for a nice relaxing weekend with the family - did I mention it was raining??

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

A sneak peek.
I had the previlege over this past weekend to photograph Natasha and Mark's wedding held at the beautiful Scotch Run Farms located in Scotch Valley, PA. Such a wonderful location for a perfect day.
Well, almost perfect day. The day did not start out quite that perfect. This was the view from the bride's parents front door - and, yes, that is hail!!

Even these little fur babies who belong to the bride were a little weary of the weather. And, for those who know me, I am defintley loving this weiner dog. He looks like my Max boy.

But don't worry because the bride's smile shined and brightened the whole day!

And check out these lovely gals, all twelve of them! Yes, twelve!! The biggest bridal party I have ever seen and most beautiful bunch of girls.

And, I must admit, the boys didn't look to shabby themselves.

How precious is she?? Just too adorable!!

The ceremony - just amazing!

The bride happened to mention to me that she wanted pictures of the back of her dress and the mountains - Oh yeah! Got it!!!

Details, details. I love them. Beautiful flowers, cake, punch bowl and how totally awesome are those lights?

At the reception, the bride's little sister, Syndey, put this amazing slide show presentation together up on the ceiling of the tent. Way too cool!

The famous ring shot - I thought was so fitting since they are both basketball players.

And, this one, defintley my favorite shot of the day. Sigh - I just love weddings.

Congratulations and best of luck to you Natasha and Mark. Thank you so much for letting me be a part of your special day. It was truly a pleasure. I will be in touch very soon with the rest of your pictures.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Just a few.
Just a few that I took tonight while the lighting seemed so pretty and, of course, Lizzie is my victim. But, I bribed her and she got to get her "Bug juice" at the corner store.

And, who do you think enjoys camping more....them or the dog? I'm leaning more towards the dog! Ha, ha.

Hope everyone had a good weekend!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

We have new neighbors.
How awesome is this? God's creations never ceases to amaze me. This bird nest is so wonderously woven in the pine tree in front of our house. Too cool. I'm loving our new neighbors. I hope they stay for a very long time.

Monday, May 11, 2009

My boy.
Just some pics of my boy. He loves playing with any type of ball these days whether it being a basketball, football, baseball. Always so easy going and laid back. I just cannot resist those freckles and mustard stained mouth - I love the fact that he cannot not stay clean. He is always a dirty little boy.

And, last Thursday, I was invited to his first grade class for a tea party in honor of Mother's Day and was served bananna nut muffins and ice tea. So sweet.

And, he can't wait to go sign up this Thursday for football.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Sicker than a dog.
Thanks to Lizzie and her spreading the love of whatever kind of bug she caught last week - I have been down for the last 3 days with some major stomach flu and it is kicking my butt. Hope to shake it soon.

Friday, May 1, 2009

She's six and sick.
She turned six today and she is still sick with some kind of nasty stomach flu. But, I take her to celebrate her birthday at Baby's in State College with a vanilla milk shake and cheeseburgers and fries. But she did not eat and she did not finish her shake. So it is not so much of a happy day.