It's been one week. One week since I had to let him go. I won't lie. I am sad. My heart is torn in two. I miss him terribly. And, I am so lost without him. I have cried late a night ever since that night because he is no longer there with me.
One of my FLICKR friends emailed me to let me know she was thinking about me today. And, you know what? Her kindness and caring words truly touched me and warmed my heart. She reminded me that their are still good things in this life. That I still have friends that truly care even if they don't have fur and floppy ears and a cold wet nose.
So, I just want to say "thank you". Thank you for being there. Thank you for understanding that he was just not "a dog". That he was my family. My life. My best friend for the last 15 years. And, even though we have never met in will never truly know how much you words and friendship meant to me.

And, for you, I am hanging in there.
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