First, I am admitting it and laying it all out there right now that I give all the credit to sports photographers. Sports photography is definitely not my forte. It's just way to confusing and fast. They all are dressed alike. They are all running around. They are up. They are down. They are sideways. Yaaaahhhh!!!!! Most times, I am shooting and it is not even my kid!!!!
But, the one leaning forward, second from the right, I am pretty sure he's mine.
It was a long season. Practice started way back in November two nights a week. Many late night suppers/homework were endured.
He practiced hard. Practice makes perfect, ya know? Okay, not totally perfect.
But, perfect enough to steal the ball and run it down the court and SCORE.
He shocked his Mama. He made me proud. He scored four points his first game. Basketball is much more his "thing".
He likes basketball.
He enjoys it.
And, I enjoy taking pictures of things that are much more stationary...and do not move so fast.
Like the court and all the basketballs...

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