As if I needed anymore special projects added to my plate that is already full, between working full time, driving back and forth to multiple practices, photo shoots, editing my photo shoots, a pile of laundry as high as a mountain, cooking and cleaning, homework, chasing two dogs around…yadda yah, blah, blah….I have taken on my own personal challenge for the month of October. That is I shoot one photo a day for the next 31 days. (I choose this month because I LOVE it so much) So far, I am doing pretty good! (Well, considering it is only the 5th day of the month). In the end, I plan on turning it in to a photo book with some of my most favorite quotes.
So, driving to work yesterday morning, what do I spot? This biggest mushroom I ever did see. And, with spots!! The instant I saw this huge piece of fungus, it reminded me of the Smurfs. I have never seen anything so neat. At first, I actually thought it was a lawn ornament. That it was fake. The color and spots were just so amazing to me. Call me crazy, call me weird….but after seeing this, I do believe in Smurfs, I do. And, I do believe that I can do this personal challenge of mine. I do!

I am so excited to take on this little project. I love how photography has really opened my eyes and lets me be more acutely aware of things I may have just otherwise drove on by. Especially, like pieces of fungi alongside the road that the Smurfs are living in.

Wish me luck. I plan on sharing some more through out the month.
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