Memorial Day Weekend.Over Memorial Day weekend, friends from camp invited us along out on their boat.
And, what better way to kick off summer than hanging out on the Lake?
Although, I will be the first to admit, getting in to that water is definetely not for me. That is exactly why all my pictures were taken from above on the boat. Coy on the other hand, had no problem jumping right in.
And, nothing better than the wind blowing through your hair.

Lizzie thought it was so funny and kept trying to tame the maine of hers.

Even Sally enjoyed putting her head off the side and feeling the breeze. She is a chocolate lab and she belongs to the friends of ours that own the boat. Sally is an experienced sailor.
(Unlike me. ) And, she is just the sweetest lab you ever want to meet.

She showed the kids exactly how it should be done.

Then we docked the boat along side the lake and went swimming.
Apparently, Sally is an experienced swimmer as well. And, she loves to retrieve sticks (what lab doesn't?) She even has her very own life vest.

I also had more pictures to post,
but, Blogger and my internet seems to not want to cooperate this morning and will not upload anymore.
So, to save what sanity I have left....I am going to leave it at this right now and try later.
Or, I might find my self having to buy a new monitor later because I feel like throwing it out the window right now.
Enjoy the hot summer weather!!!! Even if it's not at the lake. It's going to be a scorcher out there today!!!
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