“Refuse to be average. Let your heart soar as high as it will.”

Jessica's whole baby theme was based all around this painted lady bug rock she received from a special person. And, I love being able to capture special details like this.
Jessica, all I have to say is you are seriously "gorgeous". (If I had only looked as good as you nine months pregnant).I just have to admit that this next one below is an absolute favorite!! Would it be weird to say I want to blow it up real big and put it on my own wall??? Err, okay, moving on.
It may not be my kind of "beach", but it still consists of sand and water. Therefore, she liked the "beach". And, I have a feeling we will be going back real soon.
Some recent favorites.
So this post is just totally random, but I just wanted to share some of my favorites lately. But, my favorites do change on a daily basis. It is one of the reasons why I never frame a lot of my images because I am always undecided. It is one of my goals though and I am working on it right now. But I will save that for a later post.
I love the soft evening light on this one and the smell of those liliacs were so lovely.
Love her in this one. Always so carefree.
Still loving my rain boots. They are just the best!
Love anything the color purple and this wall of purple flowers were just the best!
Loving last night's sunset.
Suddenly, the skies opened up and the rain ceased. It could not have been more perfect. I am so in love with just how a few simple clicks of the shutter, I am able to tell their story. And, that is only the beginning of their story. During and after our session, we chatted about labor and delivery and motherhood things to come. I never would have thought in a million years that in a few short minutes of leaving them Mandy would text me to tell me that her water had broken and she was on the way to the hospital.
Mandy you are such a beautiful mama to be. When I look at these images, it truly amazes me that within a few short hours of capturing your "glowing" beauty you would take your journey into motherhood. I am so thankful that we did not cancel and that I was able to capture this special moment in time for the both of you. You guys are going to be great parents. And, thanks for crawling all over the wet grassy fields....I seriously hope that is not what put you into labor!!! Thanks for being such a good sports about it all!!!! I cannot wait to meet your new baby girl!!
To see ALL the images from Mandy and Jason's session click the play button below.
Create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.
But don't let this sweet, handsome, cute, freckled, blue eyed almost 10 year old smile fool you in any way. Because in between these shots of him, he grumbled, moaned and complained every minute. It was really painful for him. It was even more painful, when I asked if I could have one with him and is sister together....and that my friends is where our little photo session ended abruptly and he walked the other way.
So, I am taking what I can get when I can get it. But, I am still crying the blues. My once little boy is now too big and he has even reached the point where if you tell him something and he gets mad he pouts the whole way to his bedroom, slams the door and blasts the music really loud (and sadly, that is what I used to do when I didn't get my own way) and now he's doing it. Sigh.....I knew the day would come, but I just didn't think it would be so soon.
So, I am crying the blues. But, he still came in to the room the last night and said "Mom"... "I
love you"! And, that made it all worth it. I love you too Coy boy!!!