Friday, September 30, 2011

Sweet Adelyn.
{singing in my best high pitched voice}... S-w-e-e-t A-d-e-l-y-n.....remember this cutie? This was one of sweet Adelyn's newborn pictures.....

And, this is sweet Adelyn one year later.....

Oh my how she is sweetest! And, I had the pleasure of meeting up with her one year later. She's changed just a bit....don't ya think?

I had such a great time spending a warm, beautiful Sunday afternoon walking around the campus and capturing all the exploring a one year old loves to do.

And, as promised here is your video of your sweet Adelyn below! ENJOY!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Mandy + Keith - Wedding.
I am super excited to share these images of Mandy + Keith's bright, bold and very beautiful wedding. It was such a pleasure to photograph and document, and be a part of their special day!

When I saw Mandy's gown...I thought WOW...what a perfect gown...

...and it was such a perfect match for Mandy! There are just no words Mandy....other than you look stunning!!

See what I mean when I said bold? These flowers were just gorgeous!!!

Is this not the best looking bunch of gals ever??

The decor was exceptionally well thought of and so beautiful! And, Mandy did almost all of it her self.

All and all, it was a FAB wedding...and I am so honored that I was a part of it!

Congrats again you guys!

Click below to view some more images of their day.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Happy Autumn!
I think as soon as it turned September the leaves started to change and everything turned fall. But after the wonderful summer we had, I’m ready to welcome my favorite season of all.

I am hoping to catch up with things around here soon and get out there and enjoy it.

Happy Autumn!!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Another weekend.
Whew!! Another marathon weekend. {but all good} Cheerleading for her all weekend.

And, some cheering of his own and football for him.

And, a fun engagement session with a super fun couple for me in Pittsburgh.

I literally have a "to-do-list" that is two pages I am trying to catch my breath and cross off. I know I am so terribly behind on blogging....I promise to catch up soon!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

One more...
Just wanted to add one more dose of cuteness from this past Sunday's photo shoot.

I'm off now to try and WADDLE my way through the rest of this working week.


Janelle & Jon ~ Sneak Peek {Wedding}.
Too much cuteness not to share from this past weekend!!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Coming soon...

More to come.....right now I am off to shoot what I know is going to be another "amazing" wedding!!!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

{slurp, slurp}
Just wanted to share one of the beast!! Since Sid hasn't made an appearance on the blog lately. He is actually doing mighty well. Still chews everything in sight!!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Mean & tough.
Finally, it was football picture night Tuesday after being cancelled twice due to inclement weather. (you know all the wonderful rain we have been having??) Which, turns the football field into any boy's dream playing conditions...MUD. And, what boy does not like to slop around and throw each other to the ground in all that mud?

Unfortantely, when you have a mother who's mad, passionate hobby happens to be photography, (which, mind you, happened all because of her sweet, firstborn being born and wanting to document every waking moment of his existence) just kind of grow acustom to having your mother carry her camera everywhere she goes. And, this night was no exception.

And, lucky for me, he has no problem with me taking his picture to document this time in his life.
He may look all mean in tough, but really what I will remember most about this night when I look back on these images how this tough looking guy all dressed up in his football pads and jersey came running across the football field when he saw me carrying my camera, and gave me the biggest hug in front of all his little football buddies, and told me how much he loved me. And, that moment made my heart swell. It made my heart swell so much, that I thought it might just burst right out of my chest. He may never truly know how much that hug in front of all his "mean & tough" little friends truly meant to me (who just moments before were smothering each other's faces to the ground) will forever remain in my heart. And, that is how "tough" my firstborn truly is. Tough enough to hug his mom with all his friends around. I just love him.

Football season.
Yes, once again, it is that time of year. That time of year where the air turns cooler and you can just feel and smell autumn in the air. That time of year for some good nights of football. And, last night was exactly one of those nights. It was also football picture night...and I may of just happened to have my camera in the car...tee hee!

More to come.....

Monday, September 12, 2011

So carefree.
I love watching her be so carefree and happy. I love being able to see her enjoy the simple things in life like twisting and turning down a green, grassy hill with her hair blowing in the wind. Mainly, I just love her.

{Just like the butterfly, I too will awaken in my own time.}

Hope you all have a great, carefree week! Get out there and let the wind blow through your hair.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

I'm thinking I might have a slight addiction to iphone cases.

And, I want more!! {Happy Sunday}

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Picture perfect.
More than often, most blogs only represent "the best". I, myself, find that blogs can seem to be misleading by only showing you the best of the best. But, lately, I, have come to realize that most times, things are never exactly as they seem. And, therefore, are not quite always "picture perfect". Over this past summer, I am coming to realize that my life is not always picture perfect and I don't want to portray and mislead my blog readers that it is always "picture perfect". So, I have come to name my not so "picture perfect" images as "outtakes".

For example, the picture below is what I would consider "picture perfect". The one that really speaks to me. There is always that one moment where the person in front of your lens truly connects with you and you truly see the "real them". The one where I want to get blown up to 10x13 and framed ever so proudly on my wall. The one, where I knew it would be "picture perfect"in a black and white conversion with just that right amount of sunflare in the upper corner.

But, in reality, to get that above image, I had many "outtakes". The outtakes that nobody ever sees but me. The outtakes I would never consider "blogworthy". But, these "outtakes" mean more to me than the "picture perfect" ones ever will. Because, this is life. This is life happening right in front of my lens.

The "cheesy" smile outtake.

The "sticking out the tongue" outtake. Where she has just had it and is getting bored already.

, the "open mouth, talking" outtake. Because that is all she ever does. Her mouth never stops! She just talks, and talks and talks. And, that's ok. That is life. Our life. The not so "picture perfect" life.

So there you have it! A glimpse into my not so "picture perfect" life. But "perfect" to me.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Before and after.
First, let me explain how happy I am that I have finally finished this little DIY project I started way back in February. (Yes, I said February!) Buying the frames and then having them sit for the longest time....I convinced my husband to finally hang them. Then, I sat on the couch and stared. I debated on what images I wanted printed. And, I waited some more. And, I stared some more. And, if you know me....every picture is my favorite picture. So, I waited some more. Before I knew was eight months later of looking at empty photo frames.

And, this is the finished project. Eight months later and it is finally completed. I could not be more estatic. I am so in love with this wall now. And, I sit and stare.

I sit and stare and debate on what new images I just might have printed to replace these ones. (Because if you know me, everyone is my favorite one) This is why I could never get a tattoo. It would probably take years to decide and then it would be way too permanent for me.....sigh.

Monday, September 5, 2011

A rainy Labor day.

"Always throw spilled salt over your left shoulder. Keep rosemary by your garden gate. Add pepper to your mashed potatoes. Plant roses and lavender, for luck.
Fall in love whenever you can"

~Alice Hoffman (Practical Magic)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Tina + Jason ~ Married.
Tina + Jason's wedding day was so very wonderful! From the time I met them, to the end of their big day, I felt so blessed to be in the presence of their love for one another. What rain we had in the morning suddenly cleared out and the skies opened for their outdoor ceremony. The flower girls were just the cutest in their swirly dresses. And, how cool is it that Tina's Dad was the DJ as well?? Not to mention, the bridal party was pretty amazing and fun all fashioned out and sporting the color hot pink!!

Thanks Tina and Jason for allowing me to be a part of your special day!

To view some of their images from their day, click below.

Here are few others that helped make their day so special:

Vendor Location: Majestic World Lodge - 814-693-0189
Florist: Something Extra Special - 814-467-8630
Cateter: C & R Resaturant - 814-893-5744
DJ: Patrick Scipioni