NHL Winter Classic.So Santa delivered what my husband
really wanted for Christmas. A pair tickets to the NHL Winter Classic Hockey game Penguins vs. Capitals.

But, it so happens rainy weather conditions were not ideal for an outdoor hockey game and the game was pushed back from 1 pm New Years Day to 8 pm. It did quit raining around 3 pm while tailgaiting. We sat in the truck and watched all the
"crazies" I say
"crazies" because if you never have been to a tailgaitng sports event then you would not fully understand until you actually experience for youself. It is quite a site. You see all kinds of
"crazy fans".
This is what we saw while looking outside the truck window shortly after it quit raining and all the tailgaiting began.

In front of Heinz Field. It was all decked out for Penguins and Capitals.

And, a beautiful Christmas tree right out front of the gates.

The city skies were just as gorgeous on a cold winter's day. Taken right out front of Heinz Field as well.

Of course, we hit the souviner stands right away. Who would not want a framed autographed Sidney Crosby hockey jersey?? My husband thought this would be so cool in our new pool room. I totally agreed.

Until we both saw the price tag, of course. $1,595.00 I am thinking maybe this can be next year's Christmas gift??? Cuz, I really have to start saving my pennies now. LOL!!!!

How about this cool set up? I actually had the kids believe that their Daddy was really suited up and was going to play in the Winter Classic hockey game!! This cracks me up everytime I look at it!

A sea of fans. It was very neat to see the fans everywhere. I took this while going up the escalators to get to our seats in peanut heaven!!

There were 4000 seats that had special seat covers on them. And, we happened to score a few extra of them on our way out.

The rink itself was an amazing site to see. It is just amazing how they can transform a football field into a hockey rink.

Face off. And, the game begins. I am using my zoom lens for all of these considering were about 25 rows from the top. Good seats, but a little too far to get great pics.

Can't watch a hockey game without seeing a fight.

And, Pittsburgh's goalie - Fleury. One kid had a sign that said "All this rain makes Fleur power"!

I do have many more, but my night was kind of dampened after a whole glass of beer was spilled on me by one of the
"crazies" after the Penguins made a second goal (which was then taken back), totally drenching me, my bag full of souviners and my camera lens. Not to mention it started to pour down rain in the third period and,
oh yeah - the Penguins lost. Still a good time and we had fun.