The first week. We are falling in love with this little guy. He is just the sweetest puppy ever. Just look at those pleading eyes. And, those puppy paws!!
I call this "the look". His personality is really starting to show through here.
Sid just loves his new stomping grounds.
Coy and Sid have become the best of friends. There is nothing like seeing your son and his dog together. Such sweetness.
But don't forget all the chewing that goes along with puppyhood! Here he found a piece of bark to chomp on.
And, he tuckers out in any place he feels like it.
We just can't get enough of his love and it's only been the first week!
Friday, March 26, 2010
He's been published. {8 weeks old and already a shining star!} Hey! Check this out - our little ball of fluff is already famous!!!!
One of my ahem....cough....hundreds of pictures that I took of him already has been used in a featured news story. Hurry, go check it out!!!
Puppies are miracles with paws. This little guy is such a handful, but such a blast to have around. He is just so darn adorable! We are soaking up this little ball of fur because we know he is not going to stay this small forever. Just look at that little puppy nose.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Meet Sid. Sid is our new 8-week old yellow labrador retriever. And we are loving him all up.
Be back later to post some more - just a little busy at the moment with a new puppy! LOL.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Playing catch up.
Finally, able to come out of the house and enjoy some of nature and her show of spring's arrival. Caution: Picture overload of images taken over the last two weeks in no particular order.
Starting with last night's moon. This was the view from our front porch. The sky was a gorgeous mixture of organes, pinks and blues and a beautiful sliver of a moon.
Thorn trees.
Still haven't figured out what this little bud is going to be - but there were hundreds of them along side the road on the way home.
Mr. Chip enjoying a long afternoon nap.
A jar full of jeally beans (which I might add did not last very long with two little kids)!
Beauty of a pine tree - with gorgeous light and bokeh!
An evening's sunset through a tree of hydrangeas.
Some sort of dried up berry left over from last year, but beautiful than ever.
Another hydrangea.
A beautiful duck back at the campus when the pond was still frozen over.
And, another handsome fellow (check out those blue feathers).
A sure sign of spring when you see these popping up!!!
This little guy thought we were intruding on him but really we just enjoyed watching him scurry around.
Mr. Chip enjoying another mid afternoon in the glorious sun out in the laundry room window.
My Max boy trying to keep up with me walking down the driveway when it was still snow covered waiting for the big meltdown to happen.
Found these glorious "blue" berries back at the campus as well.
He was more than happy to pose for me. How beautiful is he??
And, we are all still trying to adjust to the time change.
Just had to throw one in of this smiley girl - who is finally getting her two front teeth in. I just love her. Hope you all are having a great week. I plan on getting out there and taking more pics of spring!!!