Headed off to the lake for a nice relaxing weekend with the family - did I mention it was raining??

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
But don't worry because the bride's smile shined and brightened the whole day!
And check out these lovely gals, all twelve of them! Yes, twelve!! The biggest bridal party I have ever seen and most beautiful bunch of girls.
Details, details. I love them. Beautiful flowers, cake, punch bowl and how totally awesome are those lights?
At the reception, the bride's little sister, Syndey, put this amazing slide show presentation together up on the ceiling of the tent. Way too cool!
The famous ring shot - I thought was so fitting since they are both basketball players.
And, this one, defintley my favorite shot of the day. Sigh - I just love weddings.
Congratulations and best of luck to you Natasha and Mark. Thank you so much for letting me be a part of your special day. It was truly a pleasure. I will be in touch very soon with the rest of your pictures.